Monday, March 2, 2009


I've never been friends with an ex before... it's interesting.

My first husband and I are 'friends', but only for the sake of our daughter, and not super close... I'm closer to his wife than him. If we didn't have a daughter, I don't think we'd talk at all. Not because we dislike each other or anything like that, just because there'd be nothing common to our lives, no reason to stay in communication with each other.

Other boyfriends I don't talk to at all, like rebound guy and what's-his-face. My second husband only calls when he wants something, like sex or money (which he doesn't get, either one). I definitely wouldn't say we're friends.

But Mr. Communication and I are actually pulling off being friends. We talk, watch TV, drink coffe or tea, play with his cat, hang out with other friends, etc. It's nice... different, but nice.

There's only one thing that bothers me: I'm a naturally flirty person. I flirt with all my friends, in a fun and playful way. I hug my friends, I even kiss some friends on the cheek. But with him, nothing. I don't want to make him uncomfortable, or make him think I want something more, but it feels weird to have a friend I'm so close to, but that I don't hug or flirt with. Very weird.

I guess I'll just give it more time. Maybe as we get a little more comfortable with each other, as we relax more, things will get more normal, and I'll be able to be myself.

By the way, if anyone DOES actually read my blog, I'd like more comments. I'd like communication with my readers, to know that I actually HAVE readers. Thanks. :D

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