Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zayla in Recovery

Assuming these blog posts are getting to Facebook, here's the next update. After my last blog, we ate in the car for a few, then went back inside. Ben played games on the laptop, while I read a book. Then we both got sleepy, so we curled up together and dozed off. I was awakened by the pager buzzing at us. I woke up Ben, and we followed a nurse back to a little room. Apparently, the doctor wanted to talk to us. This was around 9am. Ben started thinking the worst. Then the nurse came and said one of us could go to Zayla in recovery, while the other waited for the doctor. I went to Zayla. A nurse was holding her, and she had all kinds of wires coming off her, and an oxygen mask on. I sat down in a rocking chair, and they handed her to me. She woke up and fussed a bit, so I nursed her - she settled right down. We sat like that for a while, then they brought back Ben. After about another 10 minutes, they brought us back to the first room, where we changed her into her gown and everything. I've continued to nurse her when she wakes up and fusses, and they've slowly removed all the wires... First the oxygen mask went, then the chest stickers for monitoring her heart. Than they detatched the IV tube, then later took out the IV, and took off the blood-ox monitor. Ben is holding her now, and she's still waking up, slowly but surely. Everything looks good. She has a big purple cast on her right arm, up past the elbow, and covering her thumb completely. We can't get it wet, of course. We will see the doctor again in 2 weeks, and he'll take off the cast and make sure the tendons are tightening up the way they should. Everything went great in both the surgery and the recovery (turns out the doctor wanted to talk to us just to tell us about the tendons). I need to go nurse her again, so I'm signing off... more when we get home, which will be soon. Love and hugs. Lynda and Ben

Update on Zayla

The hospital has Facebook blocked, so I'm blogging instead, which should post to my Facebook page as well. Zayla just went back to the surgery. They had us put her in a cute little baby gown, then they listened to her heart and took her temp. Then we gave her some medicine to make her sleepy and relaxed... and boy did it! She was completely stoned! It was hilarious! We started make stoner jokes - it relieved the tension. Then the doctor came in and said hi, and put a little pen mark on her hand. Then the nurse came to get her, and we walked back with her. We handed her over to the nurse, then came out to the car. I haven't cried yet, but I feel like it. I'm just SO nervous! Ben's nervous too, but he's being my rock, and I love him all the more for it. The procedure should take anywhere from 1-2 hours, then they'll page us (they gave us a pager when we checked in, like at a busy restaurant), and take us to her recovery room. I can nurse her right away, as soon as she wakes up. She'll most likely be cranky when she wakes. Once she's fully awake, and we've got the ok, we're free to leave. So, we should be home in time for lunch. I'll blog again once we are in recovery with her, and I'll Facebook once we get home. Thank you to everyone who's praying and sending good thoughts - just keep them coming. More later. Love and hugs. Lynda and Ben